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flores de Clitoria ternatea

  Se trata del  té azul , hecho de flores de  Clitoria ternatea , o la conchita azul. El extracto de esta insólita flor es rico en antioxidantes y tiene propiedades nootrópicas y adaptogénicas. Proporciona fuerza y vitalidad al cuerpo y calma la mente. Se ha utilizado durante siglos en la medicina tradicional india  Ayurveda  como un antidepresivo    y tranquilizante natural. Esta  superbebida  también se utiliza como un medicamento natural contra el  envejecimiento  , puesto que es capaz de aumentar los niveles de la  acetilcolina  (ACh), uno de los neurotransmisores más afectados por el envejecimiento. Dicha biomolécula se encarga, entre otras cosas, de la memoria y la coordinación muscular. 

fundación Duemedical/RD

Nos hemos constituidos en una fundación sin fines de lucro y consultorio ( mixta) en el primer nivel en salud enfocados en prevención de enfermedades prevenibles por vacunas , enfermedades crónicas, tales como hipertensión arterial, diabetes, trastornos psiquiatros Contacto: Teléfonos: 829_752_1238_(videollamadas) 809_474_2761 Servicios básicos tales como: _consultas_videollamadas _Pap _licencias médicas; escolar, laboral _entrega de medicamentos _certificaciones médicas para navieras _consulta domiciliaria _planificación familiar _etc. Gh

Passiflora incarnata

Passiflora incarnata is a fast growing climbing plant belonging to the genus Passiflora commonly known as passion flowers. Its main feature is the peculiar shape of their flowers .  It is a climbing vine downy The flowers are aromatic and large, 5cm in diameter,  reaching 6-9 meters long. It has tendrils that serve to climb. The aerial part of the plant is rich in many substances: flavonoids , phenols , essential oils , which is credited with its sedative action together. Used in cases of insomnia and attacks / anxiety attacks . Lowers blood pressure and heart rate

Osmanthus fragrans

The fragrant olive , sweet olive or fragrant osmanthus ( Osmanthus fragrans is a species of native bush family Oleaceae asia. The flowers are white, cream, yellow or orange, with corolla of 5 mm in diameter with four petals 1 cm long and strong fragrance. The fruit is a drupe blackish purple color, 10 to 15 mm in diameter and contains a single seed hard shell; mature in the spring, It is cultivated as an ornamental plant, reminiscent of the fragrance of peaches . In Chinese cuisine flowers are also used to produce sweet olive jam . cookies, dumplings, soups, and even liquors.scented osamanto is used in the form of herbal tea to treat "menopatías" (irregular menstruation, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and symptoms in the menstrual cycle and menopause syndrome)

potassium acrylate

an old molecule discovered twenty years ago, which had not found any particular application. The thing seems a bit unreal, almost esoteric. The physical vehicle that leads to solidification of H2O is sensitive to ether acrylate , potassium solidify the liquid element allows white powder . It does instantly. How it solidifies or how water is? As a kind of hard gelatin not wetted. An aggregate microcantillos due to the action of an acrylic polymer , that imprisons the water, prevents it from spreading throughout. For agricultural use during droughts. Imagine that there is a land that was once a forest that was deforested, which is now no more than a poor ground without much productive use, and if it remains so slowly erode, without changing climatic conditions. The silo water is the most advanced system there for irrigation of agricultural crops and forestry. It is the most modern, economical and efficient in terms of rational use of water method, because it can save up to 90 pe...

Shatavari root

The powdered dried root of Asparagus racemosus ( Shatavari ) is used in Ayurveda for dyspepsia ( amlapitta or acid regurgitation ) and to increase milk secretion in a lactating woman. A mixture 'Lactare', containing Asparagus racemosus as its major component, has been reported to cause significant rise in  prolactin levels. The alcoholic extract of Asparagus racemosus has been shown to increase the prolactin levels in female rats. Metoclopramide, a dopamine receptor antagonist with a poor penetration of the blood-brain barrier , is used in radiology and in patients with dyspepsia to increase the rate of emptying of the stomach, and also causes increase in milk secretion by increasing prolactin levels. hypothesised that Shatavari may be a mild dopamine antagonist, acting in a way similar to metoclopramide . Shatavari, sometimes wild asparagus Known as, is Primarily a reproductive tonic (both male and female), a demulcent for the digestive system, and a powerful adaptoge...