sìndrome de las enfermedades de los nervios perifericos, tambièn se conoce como sìndrome de LANDRY- GUILLAIN- BARRÈ.Como regla general,la debilidad muscular principia en los pies y piernas ( mas o menos de forma simetrica), y conforme pasan los dìas, asciende rapidamente para afectar el tronco,los brazos y finalmente los musculos craneales ( diplopia facial, disartria, disfagia, distonia).Con frecuencia, las parestesias acompañan a la debilidad, y puede o no haber perdida de la sensibilidad vibratoria y posiciòn.Los reflejos desaparecen a medida que la debilidad progresa y los reflejos plantares simepre son flexores o faltan. Solo en òcos hay afecciòn de los esfinteres, y si esto ocurre, sòlo es por unos cuantos dias. Al ascender la paràlisis el paciente, que en principio podia caminar, aunque con cierta ataxia por la pèrdida del sentido de posiciòn o de la funciòn espinocerebelosa, cae en cama y la afecciòn posterior de los musculos del tronco y de los brazos lo dejarà invalidado en un mayor o menor grado.La paràlisis de los mùsculos intercostales y del diafragma es frecuente, y requiere ayudar a la respiraciòn.La disfagia y la incapacidad para expectorar las secreciones larìngeas amerita laringotomia.que facilita su aspiraciòn.
的末梢神经,也称为吉兰综合征LANDRY-BARRÈ.Como规则的疾病综合征,肌肉无力的脚和腿开始(或多或少对称),并且随着时间的过去,登迅速影响躯干,手臂和最后颅肌肉(面部复视,构音障碍,吞咽困难,肌张力障碍)。随着经常伴随感觉异常虚弱,并且可以或可以不具有振动感觉的丧失和反射消失posiciòn.Los随着疲软的进展和跖屈反射是simepre或丢失。 EW仅在括约肌的影响,并且如果发生这种情况,只为几天。当上行麻痹患者,其在原则上可以行走,尽管有一些共济失调用于位置感或脊髓小脑功能丧失,它落入床和躯干的肌肉和臂的后续条件留下他无效肋间肌肉或多或少grado.La麻痹和隔膜是很常见的,需要帮助respiraciòn.La吞咽困难和无力咳出分泌物喉优点laringotomia.que方便愿望。
syndrome of diseases of peripheral nerves, also known as Guillain syndrome LANDRY- BARRÈ.Como rule, muscle weakness begins in the feet and legs (more or less symmetrically), and as the days pass, ascends quickly to affect the trunk, arms and finally cranial muscles (facial diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, dystonia) .With often accompany paresthesias weakness, and may or may not have loss of vibratory sensation and reflexes disappear posiciòn.Los as the weakness progresses and the plantar flexor reflexes are always or missing. There are only few condition of the sphincters, and if this occurs, only is for a few days. When ascending paralysis patient, which in principle could walk, albeit with some ataxia for the loss of position sense or spinocerebellar function, it falls into bed and the subsequent condition of the muscles of the trunk and arms left him invalidated more or less grado.La paralysis of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm is common, and requires help respiraciòn.La dysphagia and inability to expectorate secretions laryngeal merits laringotomia.que facilitates aspiration.
的末梢神经,也称为吉兰综合征LANDRY-BARRÈ.Como规则的疾病综合征,肌肉无力的脚和腿开始(或多或少对称),并且随着时间的过去,登迅速影响躯干,手臂和最后颅肌肉(面部复视,构音障碍,吞咽困难,肌张力障碍)。随着经常伴随感觉异常虚弱,并且可以或可以不具有振动感觉的丧失和反射消失posiciòn.Los随着疲软的进展和跖屈反射是simepre或丢失。 EW仅在括约肌的影响,并且如果发生这种情况,只为几天。当上行麻痹患者,其在原则上可以行走,尽管有一些共济失调用于位置感或脊髓小脑功能丧失,它落入床和躯干的肌肉和臂的后续条件留下他无效肋间肌肉或多或少grado.La麻痹和隔膜是很常见的,需要帮助respiraciòn.La吞咽困难和无力咳出分泌物喉优点laringotomia.que方便愿望。
syndrome of diseases of peripheral nerves, also known as Guillain syndrome LANDRY- BARRÈ.Como rule, muscle weakness begins in the feet and legs (more or less symmetrically), and as the days pass, ascends quickly to affect the trunk, arms and finally cranial muscles (facial diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, dystonia) .With often accompany paresthesias weakness, and may or may not have loss of vibratory sensation and reflexes disappear posiciòn.Los as the weakness progresses and the plantar flexor reflexes are always or missing. There are only few condition of the sphincters, and if this occurs, only is for a few days. When ascending paralysis patient, which in principle could walk, albeit with some ataxia for the loss of position sense or spinocerebellar function, it falls into bed and the subsequent condition of the muscles of the trunk and arms left him invalidated more or less grado.La paralysis of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm is common, and requires help respiraciòn.La dysphagia and inability to expectorate secretions laryngeal merits laringotomia.que facilitates aspiration.