requerimos 8 horas diarias de sueño reparador, jornadas de trabajo en turnos rotativos jornadas en la que tenemos que suspender nuestro sueño, para asistir una emergencia o eventualidad,jornadas prolongadas; afectan de manera negativa nuestra calidad de sueño y nuestra salud.Acomodemos nuestro sueño una hora antes o después de nuestra hora de sueñ trabajamos en turnos rotativos, y esos turnos son nocturnos, perdimos ese sueño de ese día.
require 8 hours of sleep, hours of work rotating shifts days in which we have to suspend our dream, to attend an emergency or contingency, long hours, negatively affect our quality of sleep and our salud.Acomodemos our dream a hour before or after our time sueñ work rotating shifts, and these shifts are nocturnal, we lost that dream of that day.
require 8 hours of sleep, hours of work rotating shifts days in which we have to suspend our dream, to attend an emergency or contingency, long hours, negatively affect our quality of sleep and our salud.Acomodemos our dream a hour before or after our time sueñ work rotating shifts, and these shifts are nocturnal, we lost that dream of that day.