La misión de la psicoterapia no es el descubrimiento de determinada situación infantil, sino el análisis de la angustia actual y de los mecanismos defensivos desarrollados contra ella
The mission of psychotherapy is not the discovery of certain infantile situation, but the analysis of the present distress and developed defense mechanisms against it
Xīnlǐ zhìliáo de shǐmìng shì bùshì fāxiàn mǒu xiē yīng yòu'ér de qíngkuàng, dàn mùqián de jiǒngpò hé fādá de fángyù jīzhì fēnxī
The mission of psychotherapy is not the discovery of certain infantile situation, but the analysis of the present distress and developed defense mechanisms against it
Xīnlǐ zhìliáo de shǐmìng shì bùshì fāxiàn mǒu xiē yīng yòu'ér de qíngkuàng, dàn mùqián de jiǒngpò hé fādá de fángyù jīzhì fēnxī