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on the whole a genus of tropical and sub-tropical flowering plants. Mentioned Theophrastus the shrub Several times, as in agnos Enquiry into Plants. It has-been long Believed to be an anaphrodisiac but effectiveness remains controversial.Vitex agnus-castus is Widely cultivated in warm temperate and subtropical regions for its delicate-textured aromatic foliage and butterfly attracting spikes of lavender flowers in late summer in cooler climates. It grows to a height of 1-5 meters. It requires full sun or partial shade Along With well-drained soil. Under perfect conditions it is hardy to 10 degrees.
It is Believed That some of the compounds found in the plant work on the pituitary gland Which would explain its effects on hormonal levels. A study has shown That extracts of the fruit of VAC can bind to opiate receptors; This Could Explain why you reduce intake of VAC PMS discomforts.
The mechanism of action is not fully Understood but it is Assumed that resultanting it has dopaminergic effects of prolactin secretion in Changes. At low doses, Might Have Been: such as used in previous centuries for suppression of sexual desire, it Inhibits activation of dopamine receptor by competitive binding, Causing a slight Increase in release of prolactin. In Concentrations higher, as in modern extracts, the binding activity is sufficient to reduce the release of prolactin. A study has found That treatment of 20 healthy men with higher doses of Vitex agnus-castus was Associated with a slight reduction of prolactin levels, lower doses Whereas Caused a slight Increase as Compared to placebo doses of


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ley de Monro Kellie

El cráneo contiene tres elementos : tejido nervioso, sangre y liquido cefalorraquídeo, cuyo volumen total siempre debe ser constante. The skull contains three elements: nervous tissue , blood and cerebrospinal fluid , the total volume should always be constant. Череп содержит три элемента: нервной ткани , крови и цереброспинальной жидкости , общий объем должен быть всегда постоянным. 頭骨包含三個元素:神經組織,血液和腦脊髓液,庫約общая總是Дебесерконстант量。

dandelion root

dandelion   is used in many traditional and modern herbal medical systems, as you have-been documented Particularly in Asia, Europe, and North America. The root Primarily is Considered a gastrointestinal remedy , supporting digestion and liver function, while the leaf is used as a diuretic and bitter digestive stimulant. Among Dandelions are weeds The most recognizable in the world. Traditional use goes back so far as to predate written records. The leaf of Chinese dandelion (T mongolicum) was first Mentioned in writing in the Tang Materia Medica (659 AD) and is classically Considered a valuable remedy in Chinese medicine, Both topically and internally, for treating abscesses, reducing eye inflammation, and provoking diuresis . Dandelion leaf and root Both Have Been Studied for Their effects on digestion, mostly as bitter digestive stimulants. dandelion root has-been Investigated for demulcent, prebiotic, hypoglycemic, and immune-modulating effects. Dandelio...


Cytokines are a group of proteins that regulate interactions of immune cells. His immunoregulatory function is key in immune response, inflammation.Cytokines are a group of small molecular weight proteins synthesized by many cells particularly immune cells.ts function is immunoregulatory be fundamental in communication and interactions that establish the immune system cells with each other and with other cells . Cytokines direct the innate immune response and specific immune response and are involved in inflammation and hematopoiesis. activated macrophages , eosinophils , neutrophils and NK cells , induce the production of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen and macrophages involved in hematopoietic processes. Involved in such important processes as inflammation, regulation of MHC expression (Major Histocompatibility Complex) class I and class II immunosuppressive responses, regulation of isotype switching of immunoglobulins ,