Mayaro, Semliki Forest, and Chikungunya
viruses are closely related serologically and
constitute a subgroup within the group A of
arborviruses. There is little knowledge available,
however, pertaining to the physical
characteristics of these viruses. As a consequence,
Mayaro virus-infected cells have
been studied in order to obtain morphological
data for at least one member of the
subgroup. The following is a report on the
size, shape, and distribution of Mayaro
virus, in situ, in three different hosts.
Mayaro virus belongs to the Togaviridae, genus Alphavirus family. It causes acute illness in humans with symptoms similar to Dengue is transmitted by
The life cycle is much like the yellow fever. It has been shown to human transmission through different mosquito species Haemagogus, can also act as vector Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Aedes scapularis. It is believed that the reservoir is in primates and birds wildlife.
Mayaro evil causes high fever and severe joint pain. Usually it heals spontaneously and there have been very few cases of serious complications. In 2001 a case was detected in Mexico that had deadly consequences.
It can give a differential diagnosis between Mayaro virus, chikungunya, dengue fever and Zika.
Mayaro virus belongs to the Togaviridae, genus Alphavirus family. It causes acute illness in humans with symptoms similar to Dengue is transmitted by
The life cycle is much like the yellow fever. It has been shown to human transmission through different mosquito species Haemagogus, can also act as vector Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Aedes scapularis. It is believed that the reservoir is in primates and birds wildlife.
Mayaro evil causes high fever and severe joint pain. Usually it heals spontaneously and there have been very few cases of serious complications. In 2001 a case was detected in Mexico that had deadly consequences.
It can give a differential diagnosis between Mayaro virus, chikungunya, dengue fever and Zika.