En la esquizofrénia, por ejemplo, es frecuente que esté gravemente trastornado el impulso de relación con los demás en el aislamiento del autismo.Las alteraciones del contacto y de la relación de muchos enfermos esquizofrénicos respectos a los sanos y su relación al "cristal"que puede interponerse entre los esquizofrénicos y no enfermos.
Jīngshén fēnliè zhèng, lìrú, nǐ jīngcháng bèi yánzhòng pòhuài de shìtóu yǔ tārén de guānxì zhōng de gānrǎo autismo.Las de juéyuán jiēchù hé xǔduō jīngshén fēnliè zhèng huànzhě hé jiànkāng fāngmiàn de guānxì, tāmen de guānxì de “bōlí” Jīngshén fēnliè zhèng huànzhě hé fēi huàn bìng zhī jiān.
In schizophrenia, for example, often you are seriously upset the momentum of relationship with others in the disturbances autismo.Las insulation contact and relationship of many schizophrenic patients and healthy respects to their relationship to the "glass" can come between schizophrenics and non-diseased.
Jīngshén fēnliè zhèng, lìrú, nǐ jīngcháng bèi yánzhòng pòhuài de shìtóu yǔ tārén de guānxì zhōng de gānrǎo autismo.Las de juéyuán jiēchù hé xǔduō jīngshén fēnliè zhèng huànzhě hé jiànkāng fāngmiàn de guānxì, tāmen de guānxì de “bōlí” Jīngshén fēnliè zhèng huànzhě hé fēi huàn bìng zhī jiān.
In schizophrenia, for example, often you are seriously upset the momentum of relationship with others in the disturbances autismo.Las insulation contact and relationship of many schizophrenic patients and healthy respects to their relationship to the "glass" can come between schizophrenics and non-diseased.