El conflicto es la forma de interacción por la que dos o más personas tratan de excluirse mutuamente, bien sea aniquilando una parte a la otra o bien reduciéndola a la inacción.
The conflict is the way of interaction by which two or more people try to be mutually exclusive, either annihilating one party to another or reducing it to inaction.
Chōngtú shì yóu liǎng gè huò liǎng gè yǐshàng de rén de jiāohù fāngshì shì xiānghù páichì de, jiān dí yīfāngxiàng lìng yī fāng huò jiǎnshǎo dào wúwéi.
The conflict is the way of interaction by which two or more people try to be mutually exclusive, either annihilating one party to another or reducing it to inaction.
Chōngtú shì yóu liǎng gè huò liǎng gè yǐshàng de rén de jiāohù fāngshì shì xiānghù páichì de, jiān dí yīfāngxiàng lìng yī fāng huò jiǎnshǎo dào wúwéi.