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Anthocyanins are a group of pigments
red, water-soluble, colored widely distributed
in the plant kingdom. chemically
Anthocyanins are glycosides of anthocyanidins,
is you say, are constituted by a molecule of
anthocyanidin, which is the aglycone, which is joined
a sugar by a glycosidic bond β-. The
basic chemical structure of these aglycones is
ion flavylium.
also called 2-fenilbenzopirilio
, Consisting of two groups
aromatic: one benzopyrilium and a phenolic ring; he
flavylium normally functions as a cation. The free aglycones rarely exist in
food, except possibly as components

trace degradation reactions.
They represent the major anthocyanins
soluble pigments visible to the human eye water.
They belong to the group of flavonoids and structure
Basic is a flavone core, which consists of two
aromatic rings linked by a unity of three

sugar present in the molecule gives them great
solubility and stability, generally joins the
anthocyanidin at the 3 position of the phenolic group, but

You can also do so at positions 5 and 7.
the number of sugars in their structure,
anthocyanins are classified as: monoglucosides (one
sugar), di- (two sugars) and triglycoside
(Three sugars). The types of sugars present
They may be monosaccharides, disaccharides or trisaccharides.
Common monosaccharides include pentoses such as
arabinose and xylose, or hexoses, of which the D-glucose
is the most common, but can also

galactose to be present or rhamnose.
acylated sugars are
groups derived from acetic acid or any of the
four cinnamic acids (p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic
or synapse). It has been observed that the presence of
these acyl groups in the molecule will anthocyanidin
provides stability under extreme conditions of pH

and temperature.
Interest in anthocyanin pigments has
intensified recently because of its properties
pharmacological and therapeutic. During
the passage of the digestive tract into the bloodstream
mammals, anthocyanins remain
intact, and exert effects
including known therapeutic reduction
coronary heart disease, anti-cancer effects,
anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic;
in addition to improving visual acuity and
Cognitive behavior. The therapeutic effects
anthocyanins are related to their activity

Studies with fractions of anthocyanins
from wine they have shown that these are
effective in trapping reactive oxygen species,
besides inhibiting lipoprotein oxidation and

platelet aggregation


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